AZ Style Breast Collar

With Neck Strap
Unlined with Stainless or Brass Hardware - $135
Lined with Stainless or Brass Hardware - $160
Lined with Bork Bronze Hardware - $180

Without Neck Strap
Unlined with Stainless or Brass Hardware - $125
Unlined with Bronze Hardware - $145
Lined with Stainless or Brass Hardware - $150
Lined with Bronze Hardware - $170

Tooling Options
Flower Carved - $200 starting
Corner Carved - $130 starting
Basket with Flower Carving - $150 starting
Basket or Waffle Stamped - $70
Rope Border - $50
Barbed Wire Border - $50
Carlos Border - $75
Brands - $20
Letters - $5 each

Ty Barton Saddlery
4780 S Longhorn Ln
Winkelman, AZ 85192

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